The human community had to deal with the issue of security from the very beginning. First, it was necessary to defend against wild animals, fencing the territory in which the tribe lived. Zateya had to build even stronger fences, fleeing from the attacks of neighboring peoples. And people are constantly engaged in improving protection. Wooden fortification walls were replaced by more durable stone, and then – brick structures. Deep ditches were dug near the walls of cities and castles and filled with water.
Enclosing a wider area, high earthen ramparts were poured. Of course, such structures stopped the enemy for some time. In peacetime, the peace of citizens at night was guarded by gates and guards near them. Thus, the gate was one of the links in the protective system. Gradually, the protective walls became a thing of the past, and the gates remained only in private possessions. Now protecting the territory adjacent to the house from the penetration of uninvited guests.
And, apparently, the gates are destined to perform various protective functions for a very long time. Throughout the history of its existence, the gate is constantly being improved. Recently, such a thing as automatic gates has appeared. Modern technology allows you to make gates that open and close without the effort of human hands. Such gates are very convenient when using them in garages, and perfectly perform protective functions. Now the herman gates are becoming more common in our country. Designed and manufactured by a German company. And the company “Portal Service” LLC is engaged in the sale on the Ukrainian market.
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