In our previous article, we considered the issue of acquiring a land plot, as well as a detailed list of documents required for the transaction.
At the same time, attention should be paid to the existence of a certain number of important points that are no less important, and in some cases more important, in the implementation of such transactions.
Experts strongly recommend that they purchase exclusively those land for which there are already executed documents. If the owner himself is selling the right to privatization, and not the land, then you need to think about whether you need such an acquisition? The process of privatization of a land plot is associated with quite significant financial, time and physical costs.
Quite a few potential and often unlucky buyers fall directly on their own inattention to reading the state act, and do not pay attention to the intended purpose of the acquired land. If you are engaged in the preparation of a land plot for residential construction, or public construction, you should not purchase a land plot that is allocated for agricultural purposes. Since there is a fairly high probability that instead of a full-fledged residential building, you can own a house, and subsequently register in it. Believe me, in order to change the purpose of the land will be extremely problematic. It is much easier to purchase a fully finished residential country house.
Preference should be given to those objects that are initially located in a certain village, thereby eliminating the possibility of rash purchases.
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